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What You Need to Know About Magnesium Sprays: Benefits, Uses, and Precautions

Hayden Brass | 28 June

Magnesium sprays have taken the health and wellness world by storm, offering a convenient and effective way to boost magnesium levels and unlock numerous benefits. But did you know that combining magnesium sprays with other natural remedies can amplify their therapeutic effects?

In this blog post, we will explore the amazing benefits of magnesium sprays, give you a better understanding of how they work, common side effects of magnesium and how you can combine transdermal magnesium with other natural remedies to enhance to get the best results for your health and wellbeing.

Magnesium Spray

What are Magnesium Sprays?

Let's start by answering the question, "What are Magnesium Sprays?". These topical solutions contain magnesium chloride and are designed to be applied directly to the skin. By spraying magnesium onto your skin, you can take advantage of transdermal absorption, where the magnesium ions penetrate the epidermis and enter the bloodstream, providing various benefits.

Benefits of Using Magnesium Sprays

Magnesium sprays offer a range of benefits that can improve your overall well-being:

  1. Muscle Relaxation and Recovery: Magnesium is known for its muscle-relaxing properties. Applying magnesium spray directly to sore muscles can promote relaxation, reduce muscle cramps, and support faster post-workout recovery.

  2. Improved Sleep Quality: Magnesium plays a crucial role in sleep regulation. Using magnesium spray before bedtime can help promote better sleep quality, reduce insomnia, and alleviate restless legs syndrome, allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

  3. Stress and Anxiety Relief: Magnesium has calming properties that can help reduce stress and anxiety. By using magnesium spray, you can experience a sense of relaxation and tranquility, making it a useful tool for managing stress in your daily life.

  4. Enhanced Skin Health: Magnesium is beneficial for skin health. Magnesium sprays can hydrate the skin, reduce inflammation, and promote a healthy complexion, giving your skin a radiant and vibrant appearance.

To learn more about the Benefits of Magnesium, we cover it in greater detail here.

    Magnesium Sprays

    How do Magnesium Sprays Work?

    The magic lies in transdermal absorption. When you spray magnesium directly onto your skin, it interacts with the epidermis, the outer layer of the skin. The magnesium ions effortlessly penetrate the epidermis, entering the bloodstream and traveling to various parts of the body. This direct delivery system ensures that your body can quickly access and utilise the benefits of magnesium.

    It's important to note that the rate of absorption may vary from person to person, depending on factors such as skin condition and magnesium concentration. To optimise absorption, consider applying the spray to areas with thinner skin, like the inner wrists or behind the knees.

    Common Side Effects of using Magnesium Sprays

    While magnesium sprays are generally safe, it's crucial to be aware of a few precautions and potential side effects:

    1. Itchy Skin Sensation: Some individuals may experience a mild and temporary itchiness or tingling sensation upon application. This is a normal reaction and should subside within a few minutes.

    2. Skin Irritation: Although rare, some people may develop skin irritation or redness. If you experience persistent or severe discomfort, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.

    3. Digestive Discomfort: While topical application reduces the likelihood of digestive issues, excessive use or high concentrations of magnesium can lead to digestive discomfort such as diarrhoea or upset stomach. Use the spray as directed and avoid overuse.

    In most cases, if you do experience a tingling sensation, this is often a sign of skin sensitivity or magnesium deficiency. If this is the case, for the first week we recommend spraying it onto a damp cloth before applying to the skin or use over a light moisturiser, like a Kunzea Pain Relief Cream, as we will discuss in further detail below.

    If you experience persistent or severe discomfort, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.

    Combining Magnesium with Anti-Inflammatory Essential Oils 

    To take the benefits of magnesium sprays to the next level, consider combining it with a topical natural anti-inflammatory product, like Zea Relief Kunzea Pain Relief Cream. This best-selling cream is a multi-active analgesic cream that continues the natural anti-inflammatory properties of Kunzea, Rosemary and Tasmanian Lavender. By combining magnesium with terpene-rich essential oils like these, you can experience enhanced pain relief and inflammation reduction.

    Magnesium helps relax muscles and alleviate tension, while anti-inflammatory plant-based extracts like Kunzea help to reduce inflammation and provides pain relief. Together, these ingredients create a potent synergy that can offer more comprehensive pain management and relief.

    Kunzea Pain Relief Cream can be applied topically to areas of discomfort, allowing the magnesium and Kunzea oil to penetrate deep into the affected tissues, providing targeted relief for mild joint pain, muscle soreness, and general inflammation.

    At Zea, our recommendation is to start by applying the Kunzea Pain Relief Cream first and then follow it up with a spray of the Magnesium Spray. This provides the magnesium with a temporary barrier to the skin and will slow down the absorption and reduce the likelihood of a tingling sensation or itchy skin.

    The Power Trio: Magnesium, Kunzea and Peppermint

    In addition to natural terpene-rich essential oils like Kunzea and Rosemary, incorporating an essential oil rich in menthol, like Peppermint, can further amplify the benefits of magnesium sprays.

    Peppermint oil offers cooling and soothing properties that can provide relief and relaxation. Its refreshing sensation reduces discomfort and complements magnesium's muscle-relaxing properties, creating a powerful combination for easing tension and pain.

    Kunzea oil, with its unique composition and bioactive compounds, is a potent natural anti-inflammatory agent. When used alongside magnesium, the anti-inflammatory properties of Kunzea oil work synergistically with magnesium's muscle-relaxing and calming effects, offering a holistic approach to pain management.

    Zea Active products, such as the MAGZEA Sports Cooling Spray, are specially formulated to combine magnesium with essential oils like Peppermint and Kunzea. These blends provide a comprehensive solution for pain relief, muscle relaxation, and enhanced well-being.

    Magnesium Spray: A Must-Have in Your Daily Routine

    Magnesium sprays have emerged as a game-changer in the pursuit of overall health and well-being. By applying magnesium topically, you can unlock the numerous benefits it offers, including muscle relaxation, improved sleep quality, stress relief, and revitalised skin.

    By combining them with natural anti-inflammatory products, like Kunzea Pain Relief Cream or MAGZEA Sports Cooling Spray, you can unlock a more comprehensive and powerful approach to pain management. 

    Embrace the power of transdermal magnesium and other natural remedies to enhance your pain relief journey and promote optimal wellness. Whether you're seeking muscle relaxation, improved sleep, stress relief, or skin revitalisation, transdermal magnesium sprays, can provide a holistic solution.

    Magnesium Spray

    Medical Disclaimer

    All content by Australian Kunzea Pty Ltd, including, text, images, audio, or other formats, were created for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. To read our full medical disclaimer, click here

    Remember to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that magnesium spray is suitable for your specific needs.


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